Check-In System:
CCO City Kids offers a fast, safe and secure check-in system. Our check-in kiosks are open 15 minutes before and after services start so we can print out the children's check-in and claim tickets before they enter their classes. After the children have been registered in the system it is easy to use with a few easy touches on the screen.
Please check your child in at the City Kids check-in kiosk each week. For your child’s first visit, you will be asked to register at our "New Families" Kiosk. We use this to record pertinent information and dates when your child visits us. After your initial visit, they become a regular attendee and will receive a permanent name sticker. It is important that you indicate if your child has any allergies, special needs, or custody issues so we can address your needs. You can also get a head start and register below.
Security & Pick-up:
Numbers are assigned at the check-in kiosk, a name/number sticker is presented to the parent who checked the child in. If your child should need you during the service, this number will flash on the red lighted number panel located in the sanctuaries. At pick up, your child will only be released to the person with the name/number claim sticker. All City Kids team members go through special training and are processed and screened for Megan’s Law and International clearance. They also will be wearing a name badge to identify them as City Kids team members.